We are asking for donations to add an entry to our Father’s Day
Mass Poster and Bulletin Insert Donations are $10.00 each and may be given in honor of a loved one or in loving memory of someone who has gone before us in glory. You may fill out the form below and place it in the basket with your Sunday envelopes. You may also print and drop it off at the rectory or parish office. Names will be printed in the June16th bulletin. REQUESTS MUST BE SUBMITTED BY JUNE 9TH. (sorry no exceptions) Name(s) of person / peopleto be honored remembered:________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Offered by: ______________________________________________Phone: _________________________________ Total Amount Enclosed: $ ___________ Thank you for your continued support and generosity! Comments are closed.
Parish Office
653 West 37th Street Chicago, IL 60609 773-927-6263 Email the Office Directions St. Gabriel Church Corner of Lowe and 45th Street Chicago, IL 60609 Directions Nativity of Our Lord Church Corner of Union and 37th Street Chicago, IL 60609 Directions |
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